Book Review: What If We Knew What God Knows About Us by Cris Rogers

Dear Friends,

I heard Cris Rogers speak at Spring Harvest in April 2018 and then again at the CRE at Sandown in October 2018 about his course, “Making Disciples”. It was because of this and because I knew our church would be running his course in 2019 that I wanted to read his latest book, “What if we knew what God knows about us.” 

On more than one occasion in his book he tells us that: 

“What we think about ourselves will ultimately govern what we do with ourselves.” 

What we believe to be true about us will determine our choices and behaviour. 

We so often believe the lies we have told ourselves, for example, we believe we are weak, not able, not gifted etc. We also believe the lies that have been said over us about who we are. Cris writes: 

“There is a danger that we believe certain things about ourselves which then stop us from stepping into becoming the person we were saved to be.” 

In his book, Cris looks at “who God thinks we are and what he thinks we are capable of.” He shares the things we need to know which God knows about us. Starting with the most important one, which relates to who we are and where our identity comes from. He also looks at some of the things which stop us from seeing ourselves the way God sees us, such as when we compare ourselves with others. 

Cris encourages us to stop listening to our internal voice telling us lies about ourselves and instead develop the habit of listening to and believing the Holy Spirit who speaks the truth about who God is and who we are. 

In Chapter Six Cris suggests that we make a list of all our gifts talents and abilities. Then take them to God and ask him to grow and expand our gifts, ask him to help us dismiss our fears and wrong comparisons and reveal to us our identity as a son or daughter who can use the “family toolbox”. 

In the first chapter, Cris tells the story of Rabbi Akiva and he returns to this story in his final chapter. The Rabbi was asked the questions “Who are you? What are you doing here?”. These questions, Cris writes, refer to our identity and our purpose. This book has explored these questions as Cris has shown us that what we do (our purpose) comes out of who we are (our identity). He ends this final chapter by encouraging the reader, you and me, to answer those questions for ourselves. 

The final section is entitled “Seven Day Action Plan”. The aim is to take seven days with God asking him to help us allow the content from the seven chapters to grow and transform us. Each day includes Scripture, a thought, something to do and prayer.  

Cris writes: 

“Remember, this isn’t just about knowing more; it’s about knowing Him more and allowing Him to have control.” 

I thought this was a great section, but my personal preference would be to read the chapter first and then go through the action plan for the day connected with that chapter. I think doing it this way would also work well in a small group setting. If a chapter was read before meeting up, the group could then discuss the chapter together before going through the day’s material connected with it. 

This book is easy to read, yet at the same time contains important biblical truths which we all need to know, not just in our heads but with our hearts too. Whatever stage you may be at in your spiritual journey I believe this book will have something to teach you. It is just as suitable for young people as well as for those who are older. Many of us have spent too many years believing the lies we have told ourselves, the lies the world would have us believe and the lies of the enemy. This book will help us to break free from those lies and believe the truth about who we are, what God really knows about us and what he wants us to know too.

"What If We Knew What God Knows About Us" is available from various places such as EdenAmazon, and Book Depository.



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