"Following My Leader"

Dear Friends,

At the school my children attend they are re-introducing the prefect system. (Make sure you read that correctly the prefect system not perfect system!!) Whereas in the past, most Year 11 (final year of secondary school) students were prefects, this time there is a process to go through and if the student is successful then he/she is given the position of prefect.

Josh has decided to apply to be a prefect.  He has submitted his application form, the next stage will involve an interview and then there's a third stage before the final decision is made.  Now, I know that Josh would make an excellent prefect - he is hard working, he has good relationships with staff and his peers, and I can remember him telling me a year or so ago how his friends (boys and girls) would come to him for advice if they'd got any problems.  He would be a great role model for the younger students and be an influence for good.  To be selected for the role of prefect is a privilege and a responsibility.  A privilege because not everyone is suited to it and a responsibility because others will be watching more closely.  If they see a prefect with a bad attitude, or misbehaving or speaking in a wrong manner, students will think if it's ok for him then it's ok for them and the prefect will have a bad influence on them, but if the prefect sets a good example they can influence them for good.

I'm reminded of what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 11: 1 "Pattern yourselves after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah)." (Amplified Bible) 

Earlier in his life Paul wrote in another letter "So you received the message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of the severe suffering it brought you. In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord. As a result, you have become an example to all the believers in Greece—throughout both Macedonia and Achaia." 1 Thessalonians 1:6-8 (NLT).

As a child I used to play the game "Follow my leader".  One child is chosen to be the leader and the rest of us would follow them, copying them wherever they went.  If you couldn't see the leader then you could copy the child in front who you hoped was doing a good job of copying the leader.  It meant watching very closely so you didn't miss what was happening.

As Christians we are to follow, copy, imitate the example of Jesus Christ.  If we are going to do this well then we need to keep in close step with him, spend time with him and study the bible.  It can also help to build up a close relationship with a mature Christian who you trust, watch their behaviour, the way they speak, how they respond in different situations.  And also talk with them and ask them questions to learn more about how to live the Christian life.

As Christians we are to be an example to others, just as the Thessalonians were an example to other believers in Greece.   Imitating Christ is also a good way to point others to him.  We can influence people more by the way we live, rather than by just telling them about Christ.

It can be quite daunting, what happens when I mess up, what kind of example is that to others?  Well, we're not perfect (only Christ lived a perfect life on earth) and the truth is we will at times get things wrong, we will mess up, we will sin, however, we can still be an example to others as they watch how we respond to our mistakes, such as when we've lost our temper or hurt someone by our actions, what do we do to restore our relationship with them?  We need to be open about our need to confess to God when we have sinned and seek his forgiveness.  It helps them to then know that there is something positive to do when they have sinned.  That there is restoration for our relationships both with God and others, and that just because they have messed up it does not mean that they can no longer follow Christ. 

There will always be people in our life who we have an influence over, such as our children, our husband, close friend, work colleague, a younger Christian.  It's not about saying to them, hey, look at me, I'm such a good Christian, but rather, we do things in such a way that we are reflecting Christ and pointing them to God, so that they see him in us. John the Baptist said of Jesus: "He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30 (NIV)  Let's commit to following, copying, imitating Christ and in doing so let's make sure our influence is for good so that others will want to copy our example and so that God is glorified.

To Think About:
What does it mean to you to imitate Christ?

Who has been the biggest help and influence in your Christian journey so far?  Why is that and how have they done this?

As you practice what you have learned, who is there in your life right now who would benefit from having you as their role model?



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