Book Review: Lies Girls Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free by Dannah Gresh

Dear Friends,

The book "Lies Girls Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free" by Dannah Gresh is aimed at girls between the ages of nine and twelve, although I think it would also be good for young teenage girls too. It’s definitely a book I wish was available when my daughter was younger. 

Whilst your daughter reads this book, you would find it helpful to read the companion book “A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe”. (See my review of this book here

This book looks at lies about God and lies about myself such as I’m not good enough, and God doesn’t love me all the time. It also covers lies about sin, my family and other relationships, being a girl and about the future. It gives help on recognising the lies and replacing them with God’s truth. 

What I like about this book is that it is interactive. It’s not just a book to be read but a book for your daughter to work through and write her thoughts in. 

In the book, your daughter will meet a fictional character, Zooey. Zooey shares what is happening in her life and the problems she is facing. (Things which our own daughters may quite possibly be facing or will face too – such as issues with social media). There is then space in the book for your daughter to write down what she would say to help Zooey. At the end of each chapter is space for your daughter to write down some answers to questions to help her speak truth to herself. 

I like how the book is structured, the content is great and it is scripturally sound. 

This book could help open up communication between a daughter and her Mum. Once your daughter has gone through the chapter by herself, the aim is that Mum and daughter will get together to discuss what they have read and learned. As her Mum, you are available if your daughter is finding any of it difficult to understand or work through. 

As much as I believe this is a valuable resource for your daughter, I would just say that if your daughter is at the lower age of the group this book is aimed at or if she struggles with reading you may need to read it with her and help her through it. If so, I would still recommend you read the companion book for Mums first before you go through her book with her. 

Also, no matter how good a book is, if your daughter does not enjoy reading then she will not read this book. If that’s the case, I would still recommend you take a look at the companion book for Mums as you may find it helpful to know and better understand some of the battles she may be facing with the lies she believes. It also gives advice/suggestions on how you can use God’s word to plant truth in your daughter’s mind and heart.



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