The Nativity...and Santa?!

Dear Friends,

My Dad heard the following Christmas themed dramatic reading last Christmas and shared it with me. I don't know who the author is, so if it's familiar to you, please let me know. I've changed it a little but kept the message the same. Please excuse the poetic license taken in this skit.

"Hello, hello. I hope I'm not interrupting. I'm from the Bethlehem Herald and I'm here to take a photo of the new baby.

Ahh, there he is. And you must be Mum? What's your name? Mary, is it? And what's your baby's name? Ah, Jesus. He's a fine looking baby and sleeping so peacefully. Well, that makes my job so much easier.

Now then, let's get you positioned for this photo. Mary, could you be looking down at your baby in the manger, please? And Dad? What's your name sir? Joseph. Ok, Joseph would you just stand close to Mary, place your arm around her shoulders. That's great.

Oh, who's that knocking at the door? Shepherds? OK, come in, join us in this photo. Let's add a little rustic charm. Come, can you all stand beside Mary and Joseph? Alright, bring in a couple of sheep with you, but keep them under control! And we might as well have the donkey and those cows in the photo. Perfect! Now if you would all smile for me. 

Wait, wait. Now, who's at the door? I really would like to get this photo taken. I would like to make it home with some of my evening to spare. Ah, royalty and not just one, but three. And you've brought gifts with you. Wonderful! Please, come in, come in, your royal highnesses. We're just about to take a photo and if you would be happy to join us, it would really make this photo something special. 

Right shepherds, if you could just make some room for the kings. Thank you. Actually, those sheep are getting a bit restless, would you mind taking them outside. Oh, and Joseph, the donkey is waking the baby, if you could take the donkey outside too that would be most helpful. 

Now kings, please would you spread out your robes and look regal. Marvellous. Mary, the baby really is starting to make too much noise and it's quite distracting. Do you think you could try to calm him down, please?

Now what? Who could possibly be knocking at the door now? Who might you be, sir? Oh, Santa Claus. I do love your red coat. And you've brought more presents with you. You would make a lovely addition to this photo. Please, do come in. 

Mary, I really think you need to take the baby outside, he's just a bit too loud. Do take him outside for a bit and settle him down. In the meantime let's get this photo ready and picture perfect.

Santa, I need you just here - come to the forefront, won't you. Right here, this middle spot is just right. Wonderful! Right, kings if you would step back a little to the side, make room for the presents. 

Right Santa, smile. Perfect!

Job done, thanks, everyone.

Hang on. I came to take a photo of the new baby, Jesus and ended up with Santa in the middle instead. Still, he's going to be a real crowd pleaser. My editor's going to be made up with this photo. I can even see it making the headlines!

Bye everyone."

It's so easy to get caught up with all the busyness that surrounds Christmas. There's so much to do and plan. Christmas cards to send, presents to buy and wrap, homes to decorate, food to cook, Christmas parties to attend, taking our children to see Santa and so on. We can get so caught up in all there is to do and the pressure we put ourselves under to create the 'perfect' Christmas, that without even realising it, Jesus is no longer at the centre of Christmas. The one who Christmas is really all about is nowhere to be seen. Instead of our focus being on him, it's on anything else but him.

To Think About:
What can you do to keep Jesus at the centre this Christmas?

Instead of running yourself ragged trying to create the 'perfect' Christmas, what could you do to simplify your Christmas this year and help restore your peace and joy? 


My latest devotional book "Dear Friend...52 Weekly Devotions to Encourage, Challenge and Inspire" Volume 2 is now available to buy from Amazon. (Its content is material adapted from past blog posts.) The book's format is the same as my first one with the added extra of room for journalling after each devotion. 

My first devotional book is still available to buy from Amazon on Kindle and in paperback.

To learn more about these books, click on the link below:


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