God of the Second Chance
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Dear Friends,
Dear Friends,
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God of the Second Chance |
I'm so glad God is a God of second chances. Actually. not just God of second chances, but also third, fourth and so on chances. You see, there are times when I fail God, when I make mistakes, when I deliberately go my own way. But God never ever gives up on me. he pursues a relationship with me, that I might have the joy which comes from loving, knowing and serving him.
We see an example of this in the life of Jonah, one of his prophets in the Old Testament. Before we look into this, would you just read the first chapter from the book of Jonah for yourself. (To read it click here)
These are some of the things I've learned from Jonah:
1. God's call to Jonah.
"The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai". Jonah 1:1 (HCSB)
God knew exactly who he was calling. He knew his name. God calls you and me by name too. He knows exactly who we are when he seeks us. When you realise God knows you by name you begin to realise that he actually knows you. Knows you better even than you know yourself.
Not only does God call us because he wants a relationship with us, but he also calls us to serve him. God knew exactly who he wanted for the task of speaking to the people in Ninevah. He could have called one of Jonah's contemporaries (Joel, Amos or Hosea) or someone entirely different. But he didn't, he chose Jonah.
If you sense God calling you to do something it's because he knows exactly who he wants for the task and that person is you. You may not agree with God or you may not understand why he has chosen you, but you can be sure of one thing - if God calls you he will equip you for the task.
If you sense God calling you to do something it's because he knows exactly who he wants for the task and that person is you. You may not agree with God or you may not understand why he has chosen you, but you can be sure of one thing - if God calls you he will equip you for the task.
Jonah recognised it was God who was speaking to him. He was familiar with hearing God's voice because he had heard God speak to him before.
Do you recognise when God is speaking to you? You and I learn to recognise God's voice as we spend time with him, as we build a relationship with him. When we spend regular quality time with God we learn to differentiate between God's voice and another's. If we never take time to be with God we can't complain that we never hear his voice.
God called Jonah out of his comfort zone. He called him to prophesy to the Ninevites, Israel's enemies, instead of prophesying to God's own people. Can you imagine how Jonah must have felt being given this task? He must have had all kinds of emotions, ranging from fear to anger.
There have been times in my life, and probably in yours too when God has called me to do something out of my comfort zone. I have found that although it's usually scary I would rather be stepping out of my comfort zone and be in line with God's will than stay right where I am but outside of his will.
2. Jonah's response to God's call.
“'Get up! Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because their wickedness has confronted Me.' However, Jonah got up to flee to Tarshish from the Lord’s presence. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. He paid the fare and went down into it to go with them to Tarshish, from the Lord’s presence." Jonah 1:2-3 (HCSB)
There is no doubt Jonah heard God's voice, after all, we have what God told him to do recorded for us in the Bible. Having heard God, Jonah had a decision to make, would he obey or disobey God? We have that same decision to make when we hear God calling us. Will we obey God or disobey him and go in a completely different direction? Have you ever been like Jonah, making the choice to ignore God and try to run from him and his purpose for you?
3. Jonah's second chance.
God disciplines Jonah for his disobedience (see Jonah 1&2). Jonah had to face the consequences of his actions, just as we do when we disobey God. However, God's purpose was not to destroy Jonah but to bring him to repentance and restore him to a right relationship with God. God loved him and God loves you and me too much to leave us in our sin and in our mess. He pursued Jonah and never gave up on him. Be assured that he does the same for you and me too.
The result of God's discipline was that Jonah came to repentance, his relationship with God grew stronger and he desired to do the will of God, even though it meant doing something way out of his comfort zone. When Jonah received the call from God a second time his response is very different from his response the first time.
Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: “Get up! Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach the message that I tell you.” So Jonah got up and went to Nineveh according to the Lord’s command. Jonah 3:1-3 (HCSB)
God showed Jonah he is a God of grace and mercy. He didn't give up on Jonah but gave him another chance to step out of his comfort zone and be obedient.
God is the same today as he was all those years ago during Jonah's lifetime. So don't be disheartened or stuck in the past ashamed of your sin and your failures. God is here, he is still pursuing you, wanting to bring restoration to your life. He never washes his hands of you because he loves you so much and wants the best for you. He wants to give you another chance to do what he is asking of you.
What will you do with the second chance he is offering you?
To Think About:
Do you recognise God's voice when he speaks? How can you become better at hearing his voice?
Do you sense God is calling you out of your comfort zone to do something new for him? What will your response be?
Have you ever experienced God disciplining you? How did you respond to it and what was the result?
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