Book Review: The Power of Seven by Emily Owen

Dear Friends,

I recently watched an episode of Living Transformed Lives on TBN UK in which Emily Owen was interviewed. Her testimony is such an encouraging one and I emailed her to thank her for sharing it. 

Having heard her speak I was interested in reading her latest book, "The Power of Seven: 49 devotional reflections, 7 biblical themes, Genesis to Revelation” and she kindly sent me a free copy in return for an honest review. 

Coming from the understanding that seven is a biblically significant number Emily chose to explore it more for herself. This devotional book is based on what she learned. There are seven sections in her book, each one concentrates on a particular theme surrounding the number seven. 

The first section is Creation and each devotional in this section looks at one of the seven days of creation. The other sections focus on: God is; The Lord is my shepherd; I Am; Echoes from the cross; Add to faith; and the final section, Revelation Churches. 

This devotional is beautifully written and at the same time expressed simply so that anyone, no matter what stage they are at in their Christian faith, can grasp what Emily is saying. 

In the daily devotionals, Emily shares some of her own story. I enjoyed reading and learning more about her and I also found the stories helpful in illustrating the biblical truth for that particular day. For example, in one of the Creation devotionals, she shares about the time she was in a wheelchair and her family took her to see a waterfall. The path wasn’t easy, but together they persevered. Her purpose for sharing that particular story was to illustrate the truth that we don’t need to do this journey of life on our own, God is with us and we can journey with him. 

There are prayers which are written in the first person and as I read them, they became my prayers. These prayers use everyday language, they come from the heart and there is honesty in them. These prayers express what is on Emily’s heart, but I believe they also express what is in our hearts. 

The writing which I was most touched by were the written conversations with God. It was as if God was having a personal conversation with me, speaking words of love and encouragement just to me. These were beautifully written and I found I just wanted to sit and soak them in. They were like balm to my soul. Emily has a unique way of expressing herself and, for me, it felt like God was expressing himself through her. 

The last seven devotionals are based on the Revelation Churches and the format is a little different. Included in each one are what I would describe as a love letter straight from God to each one of us. After which there is a prayer to read in response to what we have just received. 

This book is different from the kind of devotional book I would usually read. Different in a good sense. I find that if I’m not careful my quiet time with God can become routine, one in which I’m just going through the motions, rather than connecting with God. This book helped me to come to God and relate to him in a fresh way. I think other readers will find this too. 

The type of devotionals I usually like to read are ones where there are a few reflective questions at the end as a means for the reader to relate to what they have just read. I initially thought I would have liked to have had them at the end of each devotional in Emily’s book. However, the more I read, the more I decided that these questions were not necessary. Questions can be too directive, in a way they can lead the reader on the route the writer thinks they should go. Whereas I found Emily’s book encouraged me to reflect as I went. I was free to reflect whilst I read, stopping to ponder as and when I felt prompted by God. 

I believe you will be blessed by this book if you come with an open, reflective heart. Emily's book is not one to be rushed through. If you rush it you will miss out on so much. I encourage you to take time as you read it, quality time with God and rest in his presence. Think and ponder on the words, consider how it relates to you, and receive from God whatever it is that he is wanting to give to you.

You can buy Emily's book from various places including EdenAmazon and Book Depository

Emily lives in Leicester. Some of the things she splits her time between are writing, speaking, hospital appointments, and being wrapped around the little fingers of her nieces/nephews/godchildren. The Power of Seven is – coincidentally – her seventh book.


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