Book Review - Those Who Wait: Finding God in Disappointment, Doubt and Delay by Tanya Marlow

Dear Friends,

I was invited to be a part of Tanya Marlow's Facebook launch team for her new book "Those Who Wait: Finding God in Disappointment, Doubt and Delay".

Tanya has been ill with M.E since 2007 and writes openly and honestly about her life, her weaknesses and her relationship with God. Her background is in theology and ministry. You can find out more about her on her website: 

Below is my review of her book:

As the title of Tanya's book indicates, waiting can lead to disappointment and doubt. The book explores how it is possible to find God during those waiting times. 

The book covers four Biblical characters - Sarah, Isaiah, John the Baptist and Mary (the mother of Jesus) - and their experiences of waiting. I particularly enjoyed the creative accounts of their lives which brought a fresh perspective and understanding of these people, and how they really are very similar to us. 

Tanya includes further Bible reading, creative exercises, prayer suggestions, and questions and reflections to help the reader apply what they have read to their own lives. 

The second half of the book is a Six Week Group Bible Study which is connected to the first half. Those who like to meet in groups will enjoy working through these studies together, and will have the benefit of the support and encouragement of the group as they journey together. 

The book is particularly useful for any one who is going through a season of waiting. Hope is found within the pages as the theme of waiting is explored. A person reading this with an open mind and heart cannot help but find a deeper personal relationship with God as they read and interact with the book. 

I am someone who enjoys going deeper in Bible Study and its historical background so I found the section 'Theological and Historical Notes' very helpful and interesting. However, it is not an essential part of the book to read if you are not interested in these things. If you don't read that section it won't take away from your experience of the book itself. 

I like the balance found within these pages - in that it is both Biblically sound, so there are things to learn, whilst also being very practical. 

This book can be bought from various sites, Amazon, Wordery, Eden and Waterstones. 

If you have a Kindle account you can download it. If you want a paperback copy of the book then Amazon have it at an introductory price for a few days: #thosewhowait



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