"You've Made A Mistake, God!"

Dear Friends,

Have you ever felt that God has made a mistake or got it wrong when it comes to dealing with your life or people in your life?  That's how I felt a couple of weeks back and I even told him so.  Let me explain...

Last month our daughter, Jess, had to decide which GCSE subjects she would like to take next September.  Jason and I spent time discussing it with her, going to the Options Evening for Parents at school, giving her support and advice on her strengths and listening to what she wanted to take.  She was given a sheet which had four columns on it, from each column she was to indicate her first choice of subject and also a reserve in case it wasn't possible to have her first choice.  We were glad to see that Early Years (or Childcare) and Art were in two different columns as these were the subjects she was really interested in.

During our deliberations we have included a lot of prayer as we believe that God is sovereign and we want him to have control over the subjects that Jess will be taking.  The staff at school work on the timetable but ultimately God is the one who makes the decision.  If you were to ask me, I would say, with all sincerity, that I was trusting God to overrule in any decisions that were made on Jess' behalf, and knowing he is in control takes away any worry that I might otherwise feel, I know I can leave it with him because he sees everything and knows what is right and good for Jess.  "But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, 'You are my God!'  My future (and those I love) is in your hands." Psalm 31:14-15a (NLT)

Then came the day when Jess came home from school with the news that the teacher responsible for working out the GCSE options came to her and told her that Early Years had been oversubscribed and would she be happy to have her reserve subject instead.  I could not believe what was happening and was so upset for her because I knew what it meant to her to take this subject.  After I had told Jason he spoke on the phone to this teacher and explained to him that Jess had chosen Early Years because it was something she was interested in as a career.  The teacher said he would make a note of this for when the team discussed and finalised the timetable for pupils but he could not guarantee a place for Jess.  As most parents, Jason and I wanted to do all that we could to support Jess to ensure she has the opportunity to have the choice of subjects she would like. 

When I had prayed in the beginning and left it in God's hands I had never imagined this scenario.  I had never doubted that there would be a place for her in Early Years. After all, it was something I believe God had gifted her in, it was something she would enjoy and be good at.  What was God doing?  "God, you've got it wrong this time.  You've made a mistake here.  Don't you know how much she wanted to take this subject?  Why didn't you work it out better?  It's obvious that there should be an available place for her in Early Years, why didn't you make it happen?"  Where was my trust in God at this time? Well, you could say it went right out the window. I had said all along that I trusted God, but when it came down to it, did I really trust him?  I knew what was best and right for my daughter and this definitely was not it!   It would not have turned out this way if I'd been in charge! Basically, I was saying to God that I knew better than he did.

Once my emotions had subsided and I had considered the situation more calmly in order to take it all in, I also gave God the time and space to speak into my heart.  I came back to the conclusion that God is sovereign and that he always does what is best even if I don't agree  with him or understand what he is doing.  God tells us about himself that “'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,'declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8 (niv) Whereas I may think I know what is best for Jess, he really does know what is best for her.  That if she does not take GCSE Early Years right now, it's because he has something better for her.  I have to remind myself that he knows her future, he sees how her life will pan out, and he has a reason for whatever happens, whereas I'm limited in my understanding and what I know.  And all those questions I asked God?  Well, God hasn't got it wrong and he hasn't made a mistake, he never does.  Of course he knows how much Jess would like to take this subject.  And to my question of why he didn't work it out better, well I believe now that he has and is working out what is best for her.  After all he is "'the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,' says the Lord God. 'I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.'" Revelation 1:8 NLT)  Again, it comes back to trusting him.  I believe that this was an occasion as much for me, as it was for Jess, in learning to once more trust God for the outcome.  To trust him in practice, not just to say in my head that I trust him.  I am also using the experience to show Jess how we can trust God for ourselves even when it seems difficult.  That we can trust him because he loves us and always wants what is right for us. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28 (NLT)

We are still waiting to find our which subjects Jess will be taking in September, but I can now, once again, honestly say that I am trusting God in this.  I know the peace that he has given me which means that whether she is given her first choice or reserve subject, God is in it and he will determine which is right for her.  "Our hope comes from God. May He fill you with joy and peace because of your trust in Him." Romans 15:13 (NLV)  Whatever the teachers decisions may be, I know that he will overrule and it's him that I'm counting on. 

I'm not putting my faith in the teachers to make the right decisions, I'm not putting my faith in us as parents doing the right thing for our children, I'm not putting my faith in the circumstances of life.  I'm putting my faith in God alone.

To Think About:
Was there a time when you tried to work things out on your own rather than trusting God?  What was the result?

Has there been a time when you were able to put your trust in God even though you didn't understand what he was doing or didn't agree with him. What was the result of trusting him?

Is there a situation you are in right now that God is saying to you, "Trust me"?  Will you choose to trust him?



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