Hearing From God

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday morning at church I preached on 'Hearing from God'. Whenever I preach I know that what I'm sharing is as much for me as it is for those who are listening.  God really made that very clear to me that very afternoon. I based the message on 1 Samuel 3:1-4:1 and shared how we need to have the same attitude as Samuel, who, when he realised God was speaking to him said "Speak, your servant is listening." (v10 NLT).  I shared that if we are really listening to God then we will act on what he says to us no matter how hard it may be.

Jason and I had a decision to make and we had been seeking God for the answer. That afternoon, as we chatted over a cup of tea, Jason shared what he thought God was saying.  He said there was a part of him that didn't want to follow through on it, but he couldn't get away from what he felt God was telling him, and God had brought it back to him as I'd been preaching that morning.

To say I was surprised by what Jason thought God was saying to him is an understatement.  I was unprepared for what Jason had to say especially as it didn't make a lot of sense from a human perspective.  Because we both see our marriage as a partnership and the decision we needed to make would affect us both, he wanted us to come to a joint decision.  I agreed that I would take a couple more days to pray and consider what God was saying to us.

That afternoon as I read my daily bible reading God drew my attention to one particular verse which appeared to confirm what God had already said to Jason.  The following morning as I had my quiet time with God I was reading an email devotion from "Girlfriends in God".  The writer referred to the following verses: Luke 5:4-5 "When he (Jesus) had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, 'Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.'" (NIV)

What Jesus was telling Simon Peter to do did not make a lot of sense to him, fishermen fished at night not during the day, so what Jesus was saying just didn't seem wise or good advice.  Peter and John were the fishermen, they were experienced in their jobs, they knew what to do without being told it.  Yet, despite having fished all night and catching nothing, despite everything saying to the contrary, they agreed to do what made no sense because they had heard the voice of Jesus and chose to do what he was asking them to do.  It meant letting go of what they knew to be right humanly speaking and taking a step of faith.

I believe God was using that example to say to me that Jason had heard correctly, that despite what we know when we look at our circumstances, despite our situation seeming to indicate the contrary, we were to listen to God's voice, trust him and be obedient to him by taking that step of faith.

So, even though it was difficult, Jason and I agreed together that we were hearing from God and that we were to take the appropriate action of obedience. 

I believe it brings God pleasure when any of his children pay attention to his voice and demonstrate their trust in him by their obedience.  Our obedience positions us to hear God speak to us again and again and I believe that being in the centre of his will is the best place we can possibly be.

To Think About:
Take some time to read the whole of that story in Luke 5:1-11.  Is there something God wants to say to you through it?

Read 1 Samuel 3:1-4:1.  What can you learn from Samuel's example?

When you hear from God what might stop you from stepping out in faith and obedience?



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