God Is In The Detail

Dear Friends,

My Auntie was recently diagnosed with cancer and had to go in to hospital to have an operation.  Friends and family have all been praying for her, and as the date came round for her operation my prayer was that God would give the medical staff the skill to treat her and to also be sensitive in their care of her afterwards.

I received a text after the operation from my cousin (one of my Auntie's daughters).  She told me that her Mum's nurse was the sister of my cousin's old school friend and the nursing assistant was a lady who was deaf.  My cousin was so thankful to God for this because she believed he couldn't have chosen two better people to care for my Auntie.

You see, my Auntie was born deaf and learned as a young girl to lip read.  She does this very well, but of course, to be able to read lips she needs to have the person who is talking to her facing her, and not covering their mouths when they talk. My cousin shared with me in another text that God's choice of carers meant that my Auntie was looked after by someone who understood  how she needed to be communicated with and also that the other ward staff were familiar with speaking appropriately to my Auntie having worked with a deaf colleague.  My Auntie's family had been concerned about how bewildered she would feel in recovery after the anaesthetic and whether the nursing staff would understand.  God had covered all these different angles.  I was amazed by God, that he had thought through and arranged everything even down to the smallest of details so that my Auntie was in the best possible hands.  He answered my prayers in ways I could not have thought of or imagined.  He's so much better at the details than I am! I love being amazed by God, I hope there never comes a time when the ways of God become so familiar to me that I cease to be amazed by him.

Ephesians 3:20 says "Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—" (Amplified Version)

Now some people would call it fate or co-incidence that my Auntie had these people take care of her, but I believe, I know, that this was neither fate or co-incidence, it was God working, it is an illustration of a God-incidence.

In Philippians 4:6 we read "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God." (Amplified Version)  We can take anything and everything to God in prayer because he cares for us.  We make our requests, he has the answer, he doesn't need me to tell him what to do, and yet sometimes I find myself trying to work it all out for him, I say to God, if you will do A, B, and C, then the result will be X, Y and Z.  But God doesn't need me to work it out, he wants me to trust him, to rely on him, to put my hope in him, to leave it in his hands for him to do his will, which is good, pleasing and perfect.  God is all-knowing and he sees the end from the beginning, he knows exactly what to do and is completely able to bring it about.  He knows just who to use and what needs to be done to accomplish his will, just as he did in my Auntie's situation. We can rest in the assurance that nothing ever takes God by surprise, us yes, often there are circumstances in my life that take me by surprise, but him, no, he's never ever surprised, nothing that happens catches him unawares and we can know that whatever we face he already has the details sorted.

To Think About:

Can you think of any "God-incidences" when you look back over your own life?  Take a moment to thank God for those times.

Do you really believe that whatever your situation is right now, that God is there with you, working out all the small details?  

Do you need to hand your situation over to God and ask him to work it all out, rather than worrying about the situation and trying to work things out for yourself.



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