You Are God's Masterpiece!

Dear Friends,

Do you see yourself as God sees you?  As his masterpiece?  What makes something a masterpiece, a real work of art?  Not the object itself, but the master artist who created it and designed it.  For example, Van Gogh’s pieces of art were not masterpieces in themselves, they were masterpieces because of the one who created them.

Therefore, I’m not a masterpiece because of anything I do or have achieved but I am one because I’ve been created by GOD - THE MASTER DESIGNER.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”  Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

Don’t you just love that!  I know I do.  You and I are God’s masterpiece!  How amazing is that!  (I know there are several exclamation marks in this short paragraph, but it’s something I want to exclaim, it thrills me to the depth of my very being.)  You may want to spend some time allowing the words of that verse to nourish your soul, to heal past hurts from lies people have said about you.  Let those words soak in and bring you comfort and encouragement.

Over the years I’ve struggled with a poor self-image, growing up I never felt as beautiful as my peers, I wasn’t popular, I believed people liked my sister far more than they liked me, I wasn’t clever, I had to work incredibly hard to get decent grades and I was painfully shy, barely able to open my mouth, believing that I didn’t really have anything to say that was worth listening to.  I’m not telling you these things to make you feel sorry for me, I’m sharing them to say that I’m learning now to see myself as God sees me – as his masterpiece, as precious to him, someone who is of worth.  Maybe you can relate to what I’m sharing.  It all comes down to changing the way we think and learning to believe what God says about us and not hold onto what others or even ourselves have said in the past.

I confess, even now I sometimes look at others and wish I was more like them, that I was more talkative, or had a particular gift they have.  But God keeps reminding me that when I think like that, I am, in essence, complaining to him, telling him he got it wrong with me, that he’s made a mistake.  When the truth is, God never makes mistakes, he is THE MASTER DESIGNER and he created me on purpose, just as I am, for a purpose.  This is the truth that we all need to grab hold of.  I may not be a great talker, but God has created me to be a good listener.  You may be a great talker and God can use that ability to make people feel welcomed, comfortable and at ease around you.  God has given me spiritual gifts, and he has given you different ones.  They are suited to the person he has created you and me to be.

When we know and believe this – that he has created us for a purpose, we can begin to live in that purpose and enjoy it as we do so.  He planned it out even before we were born. 

Read how the Amplified Bible translates Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].” 

Do you realise God only wants the best for us?   Do the words of that verse fill you with hope and excitement? It does me.

To Think About:

Do you see yourself as God sees you?  If you don’t, ask him to help you believe the truth of who you are in Christ – loved, valuable, someone worth dying for.

Do you believe God created you on purpose and for a purpose?

What is your God-given purpose?  If you don’t yet know what your purpose is, spend time alone with God asking him to make it clear to you.   

Ask God to show you how he wants you to live out your purpose every day.



  1. Another great reflection on a passage of scripture. Thank you. It is all too easy to compare ourselves to others. I think the Christians at Corinth made that mistake which is what 1Corinthians 12 is all about. Some people say that God has no favourites but I think that he sees every one of us as his favourite. You ARE special.

  2. this made me cry... thank you sharing this. i feel better about myself now. God Bless You.


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