Faithful In Small Things

Dear Friends,

Jesus teaches us in Luke 16:10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities." (NLT)

Recently I was talking with God about the things I was doing for him. Asking him if I was right in what I was doing, if I should continue in them, or if I needed to let go of anything and do something different.

In his still, quiet voice I sensed him say to my spirit, "Keep doing what you are doing". It was just what I needed to hear to encourage me to keep going.

Soon after this I received an email from a friend encouraging me in my blogging. Through this email God was affirming what he had said to me and it did my heart good. The only one whose approval we seek is God's but God also uses other fellow Christians to bring us encouragement along the way.  

God calls us to be faithful in the small things we do for him, whatever they may be. God has called me to use most of my time to be a stay at home wife and mother. This is one way I am serving God. I work part-time in a school as an exam invigilator and also as an exam reader and scribe to help those students who need extra assistance so that they are on a more even footing with others. This may be small but makes a big difference for them. I write my blog regularly and even if it touches just one or two lives for their good, it's worth it because I'm doing it for God. I love to study God's Word and share with others what God has been teaching me. Even if this is just with a handful of people it's worth it. 

What are the small things God has called you to?  

The world may look at us and tell us these small things are insignificant and that we don't count for much. But, without meaning to be rude, their opinion counts for nothing. The only one whose opinion matters to us, is God's. I was reminded just yesterday that we are to live for an audience of one (God). He sees what we do and our service for him and he approves. He sees the eternal significance in our faithful service.

Not only is it good to check in with God about what we are doing, we also need to ask the questions "Who am I doing it for?" and "Why am I doing it?" If I'm doing it for anyone other than God, then I am doing it for the wrong person. If I'm doing it because I want people to notice me, so they will think how wonderful I am, or because someone has told me this is what I should be doing or for any other reason than to point to Jesus Christ and glorify God, then I am doing it for all the wrong reasons.

Whatever it is that I do, it needs to be with the right heart and the right motivation. Then God can use if for good and he will be glorified. He has a way of multiplying the small things which we offer him. He can perform miracles with the little we give him. We see an example of this in the story of the boy who willingly gave his lunch, which consisted of five small loaves and two fish, to Jesus, who then multiplied it so that over 5,000 people were fed that day. (You can read the account of this in Matthew 14:13-21

So, let me encourage you to keep doing what you're doing. Continue to be faithful in the small things. As it says in Zechariah 4:10 "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin". (NLT)

Not only does God rejoice but we too find joy and contentment in doing the things God has called us to.

And one day God will say to his faithful ones "Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!" Matthew 25:21 (NLT)

To Think About:
What are the small things God has asked you to be faithful in? Are you doing them?

With the help of the Holy Spirit examine your heart. What are the motives and attitudes behind what you are doing? Are there any changes that need to be made?

Will you choose to live for an audience of one? What difference would this make to your life?


If  what you read was of interest to you, then you may like to know that my book "Dear Friend...52 Weekly Devotions to Encourage, Challenge and Inspire" is available to buy from Amazon. (It's content is material adapted from previous blog posts.) To learn more, click on the link below:

"Dear Friend..."  


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