Book Review: made Like Martha by Katie M Reid

Dear Friends,

I recently finished reading 'Made Like Martha' by Katie M Reid. 

This book is based on a passage in the Bible about two sisters, Martha and Mary. The account of these two sisters can be found in Luke 10:28-42. 

In her book, Katie, who would describe herself as a Martha character, explains how being made like Martha is not actually a bad thing. For too long Martha has been described in a negative way as opposed to her sister, Mary, who is held up as the ideal. Katie's book shows how we can learn good things from both these characters. 

Katie writes: "Jesus never asked Martha to be Mary, and he didn't ask you to be either. he simply pointed out that you do not have to serve from a place of striving and worry, because he is already enough for you." 

That will come as a relief to many of us!

In her book, Katie writes about two mentalities. First, the hired help mentality which is a wrong mindset many of us have. We believe we have to work/earn our salvation, to please God, to gain or keep his love. What we do is born from this mentality. However, as Katie writes, our worth is based on God, in whose image we are made, it is not based on what we do. The second mentality is the beloved daughter's mentality. She provides assessments in her book so readers can tell which mentality they have and if, over time, they are moving away from the first and towards the second.

When we understand our true identity in God then we are freed to serve from a place of peace, not striving. Serving from a place of strength, not stress. Resting in our position in Jesus Christ.

In Chapter 7 there is a list of 'already enough' statements which "help you combat guilt for overdoing it  or underdoing it in areas of your life. May these truths help you focus on what is already yours because your position in Christ is secure. And may they reiterate that Christ is already enough whether you find yourself in a desolate or spacious place, a hungry or satisfied state, a harried or hushed season."

In Chapter 8 she looks at reasons why we might find it hard to rest. I found the following quote particularly helpful to me: 

"Spiritual rest is not a location but a position, not condemnation but an invitation, not arriving but appreciating what and who is already mine."

Another quote I love is this:

"Jesus didn't ask Martha to stop being a doer. And he doesn't ask us to be someone else to be accepted. We are created to be doers and that's a good thing indeed. We don't have to apologise anymore for being modern Marthas. She's fantastic, and so are you!"

Katie ends her final chapter with 'The Beloved Daughter's Decree'. Great Biblical truths which all of us need to know in our heads and our hearts.

Included at the end is a Bible Study which can be worked through alone or in a group. It is there to help readers to live confidently as God's beloved daughters.

There is so much more I could say about this book, but the best thing you can do is buy it and read it yourself. I gained so much from it and was encouraged by it. I chose to read it in the first place because the story of Martha and Mary has a special place in my heart. I recommend this book to anyone who feels the same about these sisters and also recommend it for anyone who has struggled to accept the person God has created her to be and has felt 'less than' because she is more like Martha than Mary. This will encourage you and bless you in your relationship with God.

Katie has provided extra resources to go with her book which can be found on her

You can connect with Katie in the following ways:



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