Book Review: Brave by Debbie Duncan

Dear Friends, 

I attended a seminar given by Debbie Duncan on "Brave: Showing Courage in All Seasons of Life" whilst my husband and I were at Spring Harvest this year. After listening to Debbie I bought her book which is on this same theme. 

In her book, Debbie writes: 

"I believe that bravery is courage for a season... Being courageous is not something we can do on our own. It is a quality that is enriched by God as we learn that we can trust Him and not be afraid. It is a quality we need for specific seasons in our lives."

Debbie writes about how to have courage in times of change by trusting in God who never changes. She writes about the challenge of ill-health, changing seasons in parenting, and in our own lives, such as perhaps taking care of our elderly parents whilst adjusting to a different season in our own parenting, retirement, facing the unknown, choosing the brave decision to forgive, courage in grief and loss and finally, courage in living a life we didn't choose.

There is so much I like about this book. Debbie shares from her own personal experiences and does it with honesty and openness. She admits to not knowing it all and this is why she asked a friend of hers to write one of her chapters. In another chapter, one of her sons also shares from his challenging experience of going to University. By including contributions made by others, I believe Debbie demonstrates how we can all learn from one another and how important others are in our Christian journey.

The foundation of her book is God and his Word. She refers to Scripture throughout. Without God, this would be just another self-help book. With God, this is a book which teaches us to depend on God, the unchanging, ever-present one who walks with us in every season of life.

I love that Debbie ends each chapter with a prayer which we can make our own. The prayers in themselves teach us how we too can pray - simply and specifically. They are honest prayers which encourage us to keep our focus on God.

What is also great is that Debbie includes practical suggestions throughout the book. For me, this is what takes a book to another level, because within it are ways we can apply what we read and learn to our own lives and whatever it is we may be dealing with.

At the end of her book, Debbie encourages us to: 

"Take hold of God's hand on this journey. You do not need to do this on your own."

As I read Debbie's book, I underlined what stood out to me and spoke to me and I also made some notes in the margins. Flipping through the book again as I write this review reminded me of just how good this book is and that it is one I will definitely be re-reading. 

I want to end my review with the following quote by Debbie which brought me comfort and encouragement:

"God doesn't tell us we will have a better life if we trust Him: He simply reminds us that life will be better with Him at the centre. We can trust Him and rest in the shadow of His wings even when we are at the end of ourselves, which is the place where there is always more of Him."

I recommend "Brave" as a book for everyone. It is relevant to us all, whatever stage of life we are in because we all go through challenges and times of change at one time or another. Anyone who reads it will be strengthened and encouraged as they journey through life. 

Debbie is a lecturer in nursing and an advanced nurse practitioner having worked in primary care and with people who are homeless for many years. She is also a church leader, minister's wife and Mum to four grown up children. 

She is passionate about writing and sharing her faith. She is an author of over forty nursing journals and several books including The Art of Daily Resilience and Brave.

Ways to connect with Debbie: 
Facebook: Authordebbieduncan
Email: debbielduncan1@gmail

You can buy Debbie's book from various bookshops, including Amazon and Eden 

To Think About:
Have you placed God at the centre of your life? Have you asked him to take this journey with you?

Will you choose to trust God and rest in him during your challenging season?



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