Book Review: Hidden Treasures by Robin Bertram

Dear Friends,

I have recently finished reading Robin Bertram's book,  "Hidden Treasures: Finding Hope at the End of Life’s Journey".

In her book, Robin writes that her purpose for writing it is so the reader “will know what it means to live well and die well.” 

This book is for those who are going through illness, trials and facing death, for those closest to them, their loved ones, and for those who want to know how best to support and care for them.

Each chapter includes:
  • Nuggets of wisdom (Scripture to comfort and encourage)
  • Treasure Chest (a summary of the key points)
  • Shareworthy (quotes)
Within the chapters, Robin shares examples from her own life when she faced a life-threatening illness, examples from those she has ministered to in their suffering and examples from the men and women of the Bible.

Not only is this book full of Scriptural truths and promises, it is also full of practical suggestions and help. In the appendix, “Love in Action”, Robin provides advice/suggestions/practical tips on creating a positive environment, visiting with the one who is suffering, ways to help and support, and the importance of communication and prayer.

In her book we read how God’s Word is our most valuable source (our treasure chest), that Jesus is our firm foundation, we read about the role of the Holy Spirit, about love, hope, and faith, how to fight fear, the importance of forgiveness in our healing, what it really means to surrender ourselves to God and the truth for all believers that heaven is our home.

There were 3 chapters which particularly stood out to me:

Chapter 5: This chapter focuses on the hope we have in God and was such an encouragement to me.

Chapter 10: This chapter was really helpful as I was struggling with a particular trial at the time and what Robin wrote really spoke to me. She reminded me that “God sees. God hears. God knows. God cares.”

Chapter 11: In this chapter, Robin clearly shares the truth of the Gospel message. She urges us all to come to Christ and receive him as Saviour. It’s a great chapter for anyone who is undecided about choosing a relationship with Jesus.

I recommend this book to anyone who feels they need encouragement, who wants to be strengthened in their faith and in their hope in God. If that’s you, then this book is worth reading, even if you or a loved one is not in the midst of suffering and trials. It is also a helpful resource for when you or someone you know and love is suffering.

“Whatever your journey might be right now, be well aware that God has hidden treasures all along the way. We just have to see them and have a desire to find them.” Robin Bertram

To Think About:

Will you and I take the time to willingly seek God’s hidden treasures as we journey through life?

Robin Bertram is a Christian author, speaker, and television personality dedicated to spreading the word of God and empowering women in ministry and their own walks with God.

You can find out more about her and her ministry:

Ways to connect with Robin: 
Twitter: @robinbertram

You can buy Robin's book from Amazon



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