What Do You Enjoy Doing?
Dear Friends,
I love to write. I enjoy writing - whether it's for myself in my journal or I'm writing with the purpose of encouraging others through my blog. Whether my writing is just between me and God or there's a wider audience. I gain pleasure from it either way.
I believe God has created me with this love of writing and that it also brings him pleasure when he sees me doing something he has created me to do.
The Bible says in James 1:17a "Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens." (NLT)
God has blessed each of us in so many ways and it's good to stop and take the time to recognise and give him our appreciation for all that he has given us.
"Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God, who richly provides us with all things to enjoy." 1 Timothy 6:17 (HCSB)
For me, writing is one of the "all things" that God has given me to enjoy. Our God is an extremely generous God and he richly provides us with so many things. What are some of the "all things" he has given you to enjoy?
Eric Liddell was a Christian athlete, who won a gold medal in the 400 metres and a bronze medal in the 200 metres at the Paris Olympics in 1924. His story is told in the film 'Chariots of Fire' (1981). Even though Eric never actually said the following quote taken from the film, it does fit with what I've been saying:
“I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel his pleasure.”
I do believe God is pleased when he sees each one of us doing those things he has called and created us to do.
Over recent years I have submitted my writing, more times than I can remember, to various magazines and websites. Only once has a piece of my writing been accepted. All other times my writing has been rejected. Yes, it's hard to hear a "no" from someone. Yes it can be discouraging. Yes, it can make me question my writing ability.
Yet, deep down, I still have this strong desire to write. I still believe this desire is from God. And so I write, believing that I benefit from it and with the hope that it will somehow be a blessing and encouragement to whomever may read what I have written. If God uses it to bless just one person it is worth it. I keep on writing because I believe it's what God desires for me.
I will probably face more rejections in the future when it comes to my writing. But that isn't what really matters. The opinion of others regarding my writing doesn't really matter. What really matters is that whether my writing is accepted or rejected, ultimately God has accepted me. I have his approval. He will never reject me. He is pleased with me.
You need to know that too - that it doesn't really matter what others think of you, whether you have their acceptance or not. It doesn't matter whether they recognise that the thing you enjoy doing is God's gift to you. What matters is that you know that God accepts you and he is pleased when he sees you enjoying what he has given you.
It was such a joy to receive an email informing me that my devotional I had submitted to one website had been accepted. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, even had I wanted to. I don't know whether I'll have other work accepted, but nothing can rob me of the joy I experienced from this one.
Some of you follow me on Facebook so you may have seen the link to the website which featured my devotional. It was published at the end of last month. I've included the link here for any of you who would like to read it:
I believe God has created me with this love of writing and that it also brings him pleasure when he sees me doing something he has created me to do.
The Bible says in James 1:17a "Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens." (NLT)
God has blessed each of us in so many ways and it's good to stop and take the time to recognise and give him our appreciation for all that he has given us.
"Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God, who richly provides us with all things to enjoy." 1 Timothy 6:17 (HCSB)
For me, writing is one of the "all things" that God has given me to enjoy. Our God is an extremely generous God and he richly provides us with so many things. What are some of the "all things" he has given you to enjoy?
Eric Liddell was a Christian athlete, who won a gold medal in the 400 metres and a bronze medal in the 200 metres at the Paris Olympics in 1924. His story is told in the film 'Chariots of Fire' (1981). Even though Eric never actually said the following quote taken from the film, it does fit with what I've been saying:
“I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel his pleasure.”
I do believe God is pleased when he sees each one of us doing those things he has called and created us to do.
Over recent years I have submitted my writing, more times than I can remember, to various magazines and websites. Only once has a piece of my writing been accepted. All other times my writing has been rejected. Yes, it's hard to hear a "no" from someone. Yes it can be discouraging. Yes, it can make me question my writing ability.
Yet, deep down, I still have this strong desire to write. I still believe this desire is from God. And so I write, believing that I benefit from it and with the hope that it will somehow be a blessing and encouragement to whomever may read what I have written. If God uses it to bless just one person it is worth it. I keep on writing because I believe it's what God desires for me.
I will probably face more rejections in the future when it comes to my writing. But that isn't what really matters. The opinion of others regarding my writing doesn't really matter. What really matters is that whether my writing is accepted or rejected, ultimately God has accepted me. I have his approval. He will never reject me. He is pleased with me.
You need to know that too - that it doesn't really matter what others think of you, whether you have their acceptance or not. It doesn't matter whether they recognise that the thing you enjoy doing is God's gift to you. What matters is that you know that God accepts you and he is pleased when he sees you enjoying what he has given you.
It was such a joy to receive an email informing me that my devotional I had submitted to one website had been accepted. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, even had I wanted to. I don't know whether I'll have other work accepted, but nothing can rob me of the joy I experienced from this one.
Some of you follow me on Facebook so you may have seen the link to the website which featured my devotional. It was published at the end of last month. I've included the link here for any of you who would like to read it:
To Think About:
What do you enjoy doing? Have you ever considered it from the perspective that God gave it to you expressly for your enjoyment?
How can you use it to bring pleasure and glory to God?
Take the time to consider what are the "all things" that God has richly provided you with to enjoy.
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