Are You A Risk Taker?

Dear Friends,

I don't like taking risks.  That's why you'll never see me take up the challenge to bungee jump.  On the few occasions I've been dragged along to a theme park I'm the one to volunteer to hold coats and belongings whilst others go on a "thrilling" ride!  Going on a ride that takes you high above the ground, turns you upside down and round and round all at high speed is not my idea of fun!  I'd far rather keep my feet on firm ground and stay the right way up.

Yet, when it comes to our faith and journey with God, I believe he is pleased when we take risks.  There are many accounts in the Bible of those who took risks for their faith.

Noah built an ark because God told him there was going to be a flood.  Ruth left everything she knew to begin a new life with Naomi in Bethlehem.  David faced and overcame the giant, Goliath.  Esther risked her life to stand before the King and save her people.  Jesus' disciples left their work and their home to follow Jesus.  These are just a few of the many examples of men and women in the Bible who were risk takers.

Each of them took risks, but they were calculated risks.  Calculated risks because they knew God, they had a relationship with him, they had faith in him and his Word and they were willing to be obedient to him and take the risk.  All the while trusting him for the outcome.

The Bible tells us that "without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him."  Hebrews 11:6 (AMP)

Earlier in that same chapter we are told what faith is: "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."  Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)

I can look back over my life and see where I've taken risks because of my faith in God.  In fact, I'm doing it right now in this new season of my life.  What is it that enables me to take a risk when I'm not naturally a risk taker?  It's believing God's promises, knowing that he is directing and leading me and trusting him for the outcome.  It's an exciting time as I move out of my comfort zone, but at the same time it's also scary.

I can easily start to have doubts and fears about what I'm doing, and the devil is so quick to jump on these and whisper in my ear.  I listen to him and start to believe the lies, fears and doubts he is spreading in my mind.  Things like:  "I'm not capable."  "I'll fail."  "They only agreed to have me on their team because they're desperate."  "I'll never manage, my health will get worse and I'll let them down."  "They'll regret choosing me."  "I'm making a mistake, I didn't hear God right, I misunderstood him."  And so on.  Ever had those kinds of lies running riot in your mind?

Now I know where these thoughts and feelings are coming from.  I know they're not from God.  I know they're from the devil who wants to stop me being a risk taker. He doesn't want my faith and relationship with God to grow.  He wants to keep me where I am, to immobilise me, to keep me confined to what is, rather than what can be.

So, if I know all this, why do I listen to him?  It comes down to choice - I'm choosing to listen and believe him.  If it's a choice, then I can choose not to listen to him.  But how do I do this?

The moment I recognise where my thoughts are coming from, I need to make the choice to reject them as lies and tactics of the devil.  That's a start, but it's not enough.  Next I need to choose to believe what God says is true.  I need to focus on him.  I need to keep close to him, placing my trust and my life in his hands. 

I need to remind myself that I may not be able in my own strength, but when God calls me to something he will equip and enable me, that his strength is in my weakness, that he has promised to never leave me on my own, that he is totally dependable and that he has a plan for me which is good.  Knowing these things makes the risk worth while.

To Think About:
What is it that stops you from taking risks in your faith?

Rather than paying attention to what the devil wants you to believe, listen to what God is saying to you.  What do you know about God and his Word that encourages you to take risks?

Do you sense that God is asking you to take a risk?  Whose voice will you choose to listen to?  How are you going to respond?



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