The Power of Words (Part 2)

Dear Friends,

Last week we looked at how our words have the power to cause hurt and damage to others.  This week I want us to focus on how our words have the power to bring blessing to others. 

"Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. 10 And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!" James 3:9-10 (NLT)

The following verses tell us how there is power in our words - that words can bring life and hope, encouragement, support, comfort, wise advice, blessing, etc.

"The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life and his words of wisdom are a source of blessing, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence and evil." Proverbs 10:11 (AMP)

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet and delightful to the soul and healing to the body." Proverbs 16:24 (AMP)

“In the past you have encouraged many people; you have strengthened those who were weak. Your words have supported those who were falling; you encouraged those with shaky knees." Job 4:3-4 (NLT)

When I think back over my own life I see that there are many who have stood with me and by their words have given me encouragement, courage, support, comfort, affirmation, love, joy and much more.

Just recently I was encouraged by someone who had taken the time to send me a card of thanks.  It came at just the right time, because I'd been feeing a bit deflated.  She may not have known that, but God did and he knew what a blessing it would be to me.  So I believe he prompted her to send that note.  She may have felt it was a little thing to do, but the act itself meant a great deal to me.

My son, who's not particularly verbal when it comes to expressing his affection, sent me a precious text while he was away at camp.  I don't always keep the texts I receive but this one I have!  Again, I don't suppose he'll know quite how much that his words meant to me.

In today's world we have so many ways of expressing our words to another, we can do it in person (never underestimate the power of your words spoken with someone face to face), via email, cards, texts, phone calls, Skype etc.  I'm not talking about words that flatter or pander to a person's ego, I'm talking about the genuine words that people need to hear, such as words of appreciation, words which build them up, stir them on, encourage, teach, comfort, etc.

There is also great power in the words that God says to us.  There is life, hope, healing, comfort, encouragement, joy and peace to be found when we pay attention to the things that God says to us.  His words also teach us what we need to know, they give us guidance, counselling and direction.

I daily need God to speak to me because without him I easily become lost, disheartened and confused.   His words are timely.  He knows just what I need to hear and when I need to hear it.  Over the years the bible, God's Word, has become increasingly valuable to me.  Time and again he has given me encouragement, comfort, love, direction, peace of mind and so much more through his Word.

King Solomon wrote "My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. 21 Don’t lose sight of them.  Let them penetrate deep into your heart, 22 for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body." Proverbs 4:20-22 (NLT) These words apply to you and me - God's Word has the power to brings us life and healing.  But first we need to pay attention to them, listen carefully, allow them to speak deep into our hearts and keep hold of them by reflecting and meditating on them.

By becoming more and more familiar with God's Word and as we allow the Holy Spirit to work within us so we become more like Jesus.  As we become more like Jesus, we imitate him more and more in our speech, the things we say and the way we say them. Just as God's Word gives us comfort, encouragement, counsel, support, truth etc. we will be able to also speak these things to others and our words will be a blessing to them. Our words will have a positive effect rather than causing hurt and damage. 

Have you ever thought about asking God to give you something to say to someone?  Something he knows they are in need of.  Sometimes it can be as simple as sharing a verse that you believe God has placed on your heart for that person.  Or sending a note of appreciation.  Or giving them comfort in their grief.

To Think About:
How have others given you encouragement, comfort, advice, support etc. by their words?

Think about the kinds of words that you speak to those closest to you, such as your family, your friends, your church family.  How can you use your words so that they are a blessing to them?

How can you be more deliberate about the words you speak this week so that you can give encouragement, comfort, support etc. when someone needs it?

How much do you value God's Word and the things God has said to you?



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