Practicing the Presence of God

Dear Friends,

Today's post is a little longer than usual, I found that the more I wrote on this topic, the more I became taken up with it and with God himself.  So I suggest either you make yourself your favourite hot drink, settle down on your favourite comfy chair and read, or perhaps read it in two sittings rather than one. 

I'm hungry for more of Jesus, for a closer walk with him, to know his presence with me moment by moment.  I think this is what the psalmist longed for when he wrote Psalm 42:1-2 "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.  When can I go and meet with God?" (NIV)  It says of Enoch in Genesis 5:22 that he "walked faithfully with God 300 years" (NIV), the NLT translates it as  "lived in close fellowship with God" and the Amplified translates it as "walked [in habitual fellowship] with God".  Now there's a great epitaph!

In recent years I've heard people mention Brother Lawrence and his book "The Practice of the Presence of God" which is based on his conversations and letters.  I've often wondered what this is about so I decided to download the book and have started to read it.  I'm finding it interesting and helpful despite the old fashioned English.  In it Brother Lawrence explains how he has practiced the presence of God in his life and maintained a continual conversation with God.

I wonder if the answer to experiencing more of God in my life, having a greater awareness of him with me, is not so much about working hard to have more of him, but is instead about me giving more of myself to him, surrendering my self and my will to him.  So, rather than it become a striving after or a duty that I 'should' do as a Christian it flows from my love for him and a desire to worship him in all that I do.

For me, I believe that having a closer walk with God is not about duty but does include discipline.  Too often we can view discipline as a negative thing but I think it is positive.  Discipline means to train yourself to do something by controlling your behaviour, and self-control is actually the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:23).  I think there is a link between discipline and disciple, and as a disciple of Jesus, I am his follower.  As I follow him, he teaches me and I learn from him.  The more closely I walk with him, following in his path, the more intimately I get to know him.  And the more I know him the more I imitate him and the more I become like him. 

As I live and move in close fellowship with God I can bring him glory in all that I do. As John the Baptist said "He must increase, but I must decrease. [He must grow more prominent; I must grow less so.]" John 3:30 (Amp). Life becomes more about God and less about me.  "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NLT)  What does it mean practically to practice the presence of God?  Well, for me, it's not just when I go to a meeting at church, or meet during the week with other Christians or as I have my quiet time with God.  But it's also as I go about my daily responsibilities, as I include God in them, as I have a conversation with him during the things that I do, as I do them with an attitude of worship, as I work on housework, for example, washing my family's clothes which is my service to them but is also my willing and glad service for him.  As I ask him for his help in walking close with him, as I seek his help in the things I'm doing and when they're completed as I give him my thanks for enabling me in what has been done.  As I bake a cake and listen to a bible teacher's message on the radio and ponder what God wants to say to me through it.  As I clean and tidy the living room with Christian music on which takes me into a place of worshipping him through song and as the words of a song touch my soul, such as the song which has taken the words from Psalm 84:10 "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;" (NIV) and which then stays in my heart through the day.  The privilege of praising and worshipping God is a marvellous thing when we realise that God inhabits, or dwells, in his people's praises. (Psalm 22:3, KJV)  He is present when I give him my praise and I wonder if perhaps I am closest to him when I praise him.

I believe the more I "practice the presence of God" as Brother Lawrence put it, the more it becomes second nature to me, that it will become as natural as breathing.  But, let's be honest here, it will take time, it does take discipline, there will be times when I move away from God's presence, but that doesn't mean I then beat myself up over it, call myself a failure (as is often my way) nor do I give up.  Instead, I use it as an opportunity to return to my heavenly father, who waits for me with open arms, ready to pour out on me his love, grace and mercy.

I've shared with you some of what I've begun to do, but I don't want to be too prescriptive, after all it could too easily become all about rules of what must, or should or ought to be and our relationship with God is not about that, it's all about his love and his grace.  Each of us, because he has created us as unique individuals, have a unique relationship with him, which means my walk with him will not be like your walk with him.

What I do know is that a close walk with God will enrich my life, will enrich your life, not only that, it will enrich the lives of those connected with us - our friends, our family, our neighbours, our community and more.

To Think About:
Is God stirring your heart to "practice the presence of God"?

Are you willing to do something about it?

What difference do you think it would make to your life?



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