"You've Made A Mistake, God!"
Dear Friends, Have you ever felt that God has made a mistake or got it wrong when it comes to dealing with your life or people in your life? That's how I felt a couple of weeks back and I even told him so. Let me explain... Last month our daughter, Jess, had to decide which GCSE subjects she would like to take next September. Jason and I spent time discussing it with her, going to the Options Evening for Parents at school, giving her support and advice on her strengths and listening to what she wanted to take. She was given a sheet which had four columns on it, from each column she was to indicate her first choice of subject and also a reserve in case it wasn't possible to have her first choice. We were glad to see that Early Years (or Childcare) and Art were in two different columns as these were the subjects she was really interested in. During our deliberations we have included a lot of prayer as we believe that God is sovereign and we want hi...